Wind Turbines Moisture

As wind turbines become larger and more intricate, the power produced from them increases but so can the maintenance costs.


Water is a problem in a wind turbine because high moisture levels can cause components to corrode, overheat, or fatally malfunction.

With MoistTech’s new IR-3000 you can monitor real-time, and take immediate action on the first indication of change before any harm is done to the machine or the oil.


With the help of industry partners and 40 years of knowledge and experience, MoistTech has developed a moisture sensor that is ideally suited to measure the moisture levels in a wind turbine.


Moisture sensors need not be in the fluid to be effective and are also of use in the headspace of a piece of machinery.

By mounting the moisture transmitter several inches above the oil will allow the user to continuously monitor the process and can control the moisture content either manually or automatically.


The IR-3000’s unique feature is that it is able to monitor the process even with small gaps in product flow without impacting the accuracy.


Dust from the wind turbine is not normally a problem. However, in extreme dusty environments, we recommend the installation of an air purge system to prevent the accumulation of material on the sensor’s window.

Benefits of Online Sensors

MoistTech is very experienced with the wind turbine moisture sensing requirements. Our sensor calibrations, measurement wavelengths, algorithms and sensor optical requirements are pre-set at the factory. Typical accuracy is about ±0.2% moisture. Typical analog range is 0-75% moisture. The outputs can be adjusted to optimize PLC or recording requirements.

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