Slag (Furnace) Moisture

The Federal Highway Administration allows for the use of slag from the steel-making industry as a construction aggregate material. When crushed and screened for use in hot-mix asphalt applications, slag (furnace) moisture must meet specific requirements to ensure minimal expansion in the hot-mix asphalt upon application. Volume changes to the slag from the hydration of unslaked lime and magnesia must be measured and controlled. If stockpiled too long, the slag will overhydrate, causing excessive and difficult-to-break lumps. Insufficient time in storage does not allow for the drainage of excess moisture. Measuring slag moisture throughout the stockpiling process is critical to ensuring that it is optimal for use in hot-mix asphalt.

MoistTech’s Solution

MoistTech’s CCS3000 near infrared (NIR) online moisture transmitter is the industry leader in slag moisture testing. It boasts the following features:


The CCS3000 has 50 product codes and comes pre-calibrated for easy installation. Its proven long-term stability has no calibration drift and does not require any routine maintenance. Because it has no product height effect 4 to 14 inches from the material, it can be installed in down chutes, storage bins, or along belt conveyors. The Windows-based operating software allows for its management and control from a laptop, touch-screen tablet, over a plant network, or via TCP/IP from 3 x analog outputs 4–20mA isolated, self-powered, I/O ports.  The addition of an optional base and stand provides instant off-line or at-line measurement under on-line operating conditions.


The rugged design of the CCS3000 allows for its installation in nearly any industrial environment. Environmental humidity, ambient or product temperature, ambient light, inert materials, gaps, or foreign objects do not affect moisture measurements. Belt or screw conveyors are removed from the measurement calculation, providing the most accurate, true, moisture reading. The CCS3000 has proven, unsurpassed performance in the harshest industrial environments.

Contact MoistTech

For the complete specifications of the CCS3000 NIR moisture transmitter, or to learn how the CCS3000 will help you achieve your moisture control objects, contact a MoistTech representative.

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