Sinter Mix Moisture

Maintaining the correct moisture content during sintering is critical to producing quality sinter mix. If the raw mix does not contain enough moisture, then ball formation will not take place, while if it is too high, slurry forms, reducing the mix’s permeability.


In order to achieve the optimum moisture level, accurate moisture testing needs to take place. For this, you need a sinter mix moisture analyzer with the best capabilities—but with so many options on the market, how do you choose the one that’s best for you?

Benefits of Sinter Mix Moisture Testing

At MoistTech, we understand your company’s need to cut costs without compromising product quality. The CCS3000 boosts the quality of your sinter mix while reducing start-up and down times and eliminating waste due to incorrect moisture levels.


Check out all of our Chemical moisture applications.

MoistTech’s Solution

For over 40 years, MoistTech has been studying moisture and its application in a wide range of production processes. We make it our mission to help companies get exactly what they need to produce the best quality products they can—which is why we’re always talking with our industry partners to find out how we can better serve their needs. It’s this feedback—combined with our decades of research and experience—that has lead us to develop a moisture sensor to beat all others: the MoistTech CCS3000.


The CCS3000 measures moisture instantly using a highly effective, non-contact method which gives you accurate readings in % dry and % wet. And while we are all about moisture, that isn’t all our instruments are capable of testing. The IR-3000 measures temperature, chemical composition, and other levels vital to sinter mix production.

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